Now the new site is up and this one is going away!

I am now moving from this url to my new one Called There the pictures will continue to come and also more funny updates and other coool stuff! So let us take our stuffs from this old site to our new and fresh! Hope to see you there!

You should totally try the new rating system to, it is super funny!!!!

Bye, and see you on the other side!!

The Double!

_MG_4055What could be better than starting of the new month with a double crazy face?!
Welcome to July, the month were i hope that you all will send me some of your Crazy faces! The goal is that this month will be a month of the readers and their friends, so get out there and make some faces!!!

Send them in by emailing them to me at (I will fix a official mail soon, just haven’t had the time yet…)’


June is over!

That was the last one of this month!

Now it is time to vote. Which crazy face was best in june?
Vote on the one you liked the most by either clicking on the heading of the post end rank it by the stars that will show on the post page. Or you can like it with any of the different “Like”-buttons.

Together we can find the ultimate faces to use when you want to make someone happy!!

See ya!